+27 11 3391596Integrity: By integrity we mean that we should be open and honest with each other within Meriting. This is based upon self awareness and sensitivity towards others.
Respect: Respect for the dignity of each person which is expressed by the way we greet each other, work with each other and resolve conflicts through open feedback.
Trust: While trust is based upon the first two values, it incorporates both our motives for work as well as our competence in completing tasks assigned to us. With trust we enable an environment of peace and efficiency.
Unity: Unity enables us to become a spirited team who feel a sense of belonging and concern for the mutual development and empowerment of each person. It empowers us to work together with passion and commitment.
Effective customer satisfaction: We strive to achieve excellence in our service delivery by listening to customers so that we achieve higher standards of quality. A simple measure of how well we are integrating integrity, respect, trust and unity will be the quality of service we give our customers both internally and externally.
Meriting Youth Development aims to provide jobless youth with quality skills thereby transforming them into responsible independent workers or employees. The name Meriting has a dual purpose since it is based upon Sotho for in the shadows which is where many young people feel they have been forgotten. In addition these young people are meriting their own development by committing to achieve their goals by completing the two-month course.
Meriting Youth Development will commence its twelfth intake for the job readiness programme to help young people become eligible for entry-level job roles. The programme contains a combination of hard and soft skills training to prepare students for the job market. This programme includes the following accredited Qualifications and Short courses: Further Education and Training Certificate In Business Administration Service NQFL 4,National Certificate: Project Management NQFL 5, Emotional Intelligence, Effective Business Writing Skills, Effective Sales, Telephone Etiquette, Customer Service, HIV/AIDS Peer Educator, and Presentation and Communication Skills. It also includes a basic package of computer skills: Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint etc.
Meriting Youth Development is an independent Non-Profit Organisation which has been running since 2013. Over 300 learners have graduated from our programme during this period. Approximately 100 of these learners are now employed, 100 have returned to complete further tertiary studies and 100 are either self-employed or still seeking work. Meriting has 4 dimensions to its work with jobless youth:
1. Recruitment of new learners through a process of passing the selection criteria
2. Tutoring of the learners in a learnership programme which equips them with industry required skills
3. Assessment of learners through a rigorous process geared towards behaviour change
4. Integration of youth through interviews into the world of work and post course support
Future: We are hoping to expand our present programme from the Joburg CBD to other regions which desperately need similar projects. Interested parties who are in a position to co-fund these developments should get in touch with Meriting.
Meriting Youth Development will commence its tenth intake for the two-month job readiness programme to help young people become elegible for basic job roles. The programme contains a combination of hard and soft skills training to prepare students for the job market.